Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

11 April 2011

Tangled 2010

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Rapunzel, a long-lost princess, lives isolated in a tower with Gothel, whom she believes is her mother. Gothel had kidnapped Rapunzel when she was a baby because of her magical golden hair that kept her young. She knew Rapunzel's magical hair, if cut, would turn brown and lose its magic. Every year on Rapunzel's birthday, the kingdom she belongs to sends thousands of lanterns into the sky wishing their lost princess would return. On her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel to let her see the floating lights, but Gothel says no because the world is full of dangers.
Meanwhile, thieves led by Flynn Rider steal the tiara of the missing princess from the castle and are chased by the kingdom guards. During the chase, the lead guard's horse, Maximus, is separated from his rider and continues the search for Flynn on his own. Flynn outwits his accomplices by taking the tiara; he abandons them and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Once inside the tower, Flynn is knocked unconscious by Rapunzel who hides him and his satchel.
When Gothel returns, Rapunzel says she wants a special paint for her birthday instead. Gothel leaves for a three-day journey to bring the gift. Then Rapunzel makes a deal with Flynn: a journey to the "lights" in exchange for the tiara. While traveling, they stop at the Snuggly Duckling Parlor, which is full of thugs, just like Gothel's warning, but they eventually become friendly. [ read more ]

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