A mother in Isabela, Philippines killed her own baby and was arrested.
Base on the interview from the neighbors, they just saw Carol (not her own name) carrying a sack with blood on her mouth. When Carol through the sack, it exposed her one year old baby girl full of blood and no life.
On the autopsy result, the baby got a serious wound on her neck and a hole on her stomach. It also apears that the heart of the baby was missing. They concluded that if it's not eaten by her mother, it was being thrown.
Husband of Carol said on the interview that her wife was looking for a knife early in the morning that's why he decided to hide all their knives.
Carol feel sorry on what happened on her baby. "You're not supposed to be dead is just the demon didn't killed you", Carol said.
Base on the check-up, Carol has a mental disorder called Schizophrenia.It is any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.
Caro lwas brought to mental hospital but said to be filed a case of Parricide.